Henry County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 3-5. PUBLIC WORKS |
SubChapter 2. Solid Wastes |
Article I. IN GENERAL |
§ 3-5-106. Elderly and disabled.
Nothing in this article is intended to prohibit the licensee form offering discounts to senior citizens or the disabled.
Any person who is a full-time resident of a residential unit as described above and who is disabled to the extent he or she is incapable of moving refuse to the curbside shall obtain a physician's certificate as to such disability. Disabled persons shall not be required to place the refuse at curbside. This subsection shall not apply unless all of the adult persons in a residential unit are disabled and obtain such physician's certificate. The certificate shall be mailed to the licensee with a copy to the director of the department of public health. This subsection also applies to temporary disability not to exceed ninety (90) days. Licensees may make reasonable rules for noncurbside collection for elderly and disabled persons.
Licensees shall provide recycling services to disabled persons to the same extent such services may be provided under section 3-5-105.
(Ord. No. 94-04, 9-20-94)